Karena browser tersebut dibuat berdasarkan Chromium, maka tampilan dari Browser Comodo Dragon menyerupai dan hampir terlihat sama dengan browser milik Google yaitu Google Chrome. Mereka mengambil tekhnologi Chromium kemudian mengoptimalkannya, khususnya ditingkat keamanan
Features of Comodo Dragon :
- Improved Privacy over Chromium - Easy SSL Certificate Identification
- Fast Website Access
- Greater Stability and Less Memory Bloat
- Incognito Mode Stops Cookies, Improves Privacy
- Very easy to switch from your Browser to the Dragon
Comodo Dragon Security :
- Has privacy enhancements that surpass those in Chromium’s technology
- Has Domain Validation technology that identifies and segregates superior SSL certificates from inferior ones
- Stops cookies and other Web spies
- Prevents all Browser download tracking to ensure your privacy
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Download Browser Comodo Dragon
sumber : d60pc.com
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