tags: software converter terlengkap, mengubah audio video, mengganti format audio
Format Factory merupakan software untuk melakukan konversi file audio, video ataupun image. Format Factory support berbagai macam format file multimedia, seperti WMV, AVI, MPG, MP3, WMA, AAC, JPG, PNG, GIF. Meskipun bersifat gratis, namun Format Factory sangat powerful sob fitur-fiturnya.
Format Factory is very easy to use, although it does have rather an unintuitive interface. The file browser doesn't appear until you select the target format, which is a bit weird but as long as you know this first it's no problem. You can select individual files to convert, or complete folders, and also tweak some basic conversion settings.
Download Format Factory 2.60
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Format Factory is very easy to use, although it does have rather an unintuitive interface. The file browser doesn't appear until you select the target format, which is a bit weird but as long as you know this first it's no problem. You can select individual files to convert, or complete folders, and also tweak some basic conversion settings.
Download Format Factory 2.60
Jika Muncul Adf.ly klik SKIP AD untuk mendownload filenya

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